Pain in Back and Clawing Pain in Lower Abdomen


What were the symptoms of your abdominal pain? Submit Your Comment

Comment from: Toot, 65-74 Female (Patient) Published: November 08

I've had abdominal pain for about a year. It's so strange that the doctor can't find the problem. Every time I say that I am having another symptom, he just gives me another medication, He has only examined my belly once. I don't understand why doctors can't find the problem.

Comment from: Natters05, 35-44 Female (Patient) Published: August 05

I keep getting a pain an inch left from my belly button, and also get pains in the upper left and right and lower left and right abdomen. My urine has showed microscopic blood in urine. Blood tests came back fine, and the doctor has referred me to a urologist, but it's been a long wait and my anxiety is going through the roof.

Comment from: Raven, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: July 28

I am 63 years old. When I do anything that makes me exert, I have a severe burning pain in the middle upper top of my abdomen. I also get very nauseous, sometimes throwing up. I have to sit down for about 15 minutes till I feel better. I get this from taking out my trash or walking up 17 stairs to my apartment. Anything a little strenuous.

Comment from: Sweatman, 25-34 Male (Patient) Published: June 16

I have been sweating, extremely! I maybe urinate 2 times a day and drink at least 2 to 3 gallons of fluid, every day. But today, I got really hot outside and it felt like someone was stabbing me in the stomach with knives. The abdominal pain was almost unbearable. I don't know what this could be. I am 6 foot 2 and 345 pounds, so a big man.

Comment from: Joe, 19-24 Male (Caregiver) Published: June 04

I have severe upper abdominal pain with vomiting, diarrhea, and there is a pot belly sometimes. The pain increases after eating, sometimes it's even painful to walk.

Comment from: Sir bloated, 19-24 Male (Patient) Published: April 07

I've been feeling navel pain since last year October. It started after an abdominal workout session. I've since done an ultrasound which was clear. I've gotten antibiotics and pain killers but the pain came back after I exercised again, so I was given muscle relaxers which helped, but now the pain is returning kind of mild. I also get bloated easily.

Comment from: Manoj , 25-34 Male (Caregiver) Published: October 13

My symptoms of abdominal pain includes the following: nausea, vomiting, fever, abdominal cramping, bloating and gas.

Comment from: Alex, 55-64 Male (Patient) Published: September 29

I have abdominal pain on the lower left side. Doctor says it is a muscle pull. Ultrasound shows nothing. Very mild pain.

Comment from: Diana, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: September 25

I am having really bad pain all over. I can't go to the bathroom. My stomach is swollen more than yesterday. I'm on antibiotics but almost done with those.

Comment from: Dennis, 35-44 Male (Patient) Published: September 24

I have been having abdominal pains that travel from my abdomen to the middle of my back. I don't know what it is. My CT scan showed nothing while I was thinking it might be my pancreas. I have done a bowel camera test as well.

Comment from: Proudgrandmaof2, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: September 01

I've had stomach issues for years, including irritable bowel syndrome. I've had all the tests including CT scan. All that ever showed up was GERD. I've been on pills at times. The last few years I have felt pain in the middle of my upper stomach under my breasts. I get a little bit of acid reflux. A few months ago I started getting pain in the middle of my chest, up into my throat, and I feel a bit of palpitations. My bowel movements have changed since scope on Sept 29. I'm scared; too many problems over the years.

Comment from: Bernie, 45-54 Male (Patient) Published: September 01

I had a Nissen stomach wrap for chronic acid reflux in October 2018, and was told my spleen was in the way, so he wrapped my stomach with the bottom up. One month later I dry heaved and started this awful abdominal pain and discomfort. It's constant 24/7, and since then I've had my gallbladder removed and no change. The abdominal pain is mostly to the left of my stomach, almost under my left ribs, wondering if it could be that my spleen is against my stomach constantly, causing the discomfort. I'd really love to fix this.


Appendicitis: Symptoms, Signs, Causes, Appendectomy in Detail See Slideshow

Comment from: nancy...., 19-24 Female (Patient) Published: August 04

Two months ago, I started having a lot of pain in my left upper abdomen. I went to the doctor and she told me to get an ultrasound done, which I did and they ended up saying I had a pea-sized ovarian cyst. So this whole time I kept thinking that my pain was the cyst. They told me to take Tylenol for the pain and that's it. Now two months later I started having the same symptoms but I am always burping, and now taking GERD medicine, but I don't know what to think anymore.

Comment from: Julie, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: July 27

For about 3 weeks I've had abdominal pains in the bottom left side which travels around to my back. it's a horrible dull pain, and my back is worse today.

Comment from: Emgirl27 , 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: May 29

I have had stomach pain off and on now for 6 months, and they have been worse for about a month. The doctor gave me pills to take before each meal to help coat the stomach. They think I might have an ulcer but it won't go away. I have pain in my upper left abdomen where my stomach is and sometimes in my upper right abdomen. It can either burn or just feel uncomfortable and it often feels like I'm really full. It grumbles and the pain goes to my shoulders. I have loose stools that look green.

Comment from: Lorilo, 25-34 Female (Caregiver) Published: May 29

I woke up about two hours ago with a queasy stomach, a lot of salivating and mild to moderate crampy pain in my stomach. I've thrown up three times in the past hour. My vomit has been orange (the color of French dressing) and contained part of my supper. I'm still pretty nauseous and shaky, and will probably vomit again.

Comment from: Bellypain1949, 65-74 Female (Patient) Published: May 05

I've had non-stop lower abdominal pain for two months. They put me on antibiotics (suspecting diverticulitis) for one week and that was the only time I've had relief. They did a CT scan and found nothing. I've had a heating pad on my belly for 6 weeks and it helps 10 percent - but the constant pain is very draining. Lots of doctor appointments (I've seen four) but no help at all.

Comment from: Chim Chim , 25-34 Male (Patient) Published: April 07

I have had abdominal pain for the past 6 months. I had MRI and CT of spine and abdominal scan along with HIDA scan, upper endoscopy and colonoscopy. My pain is only on the left side of my abdomen, the focal point is under my left ribcage, and it never goes away or gets better. The pain feels like knotting and burning and my intestines will spasm out sometimes.

Comment from: Alanna, 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: March 16

I had period like cramping and bloating with abdominal pain. I could barely walk. Today is the same.

Comment from: Anonymous , 19-24 Female (Patient) Published: February 24

I went to the hospital in the morning as I kept waking up due to a pain in my chest and belly, right rib, and back pain. I went to the hospital feeling a bit better but I wasn't lying down anymore, I was sitting. I've had every type of blood test and my x-ray and ECG came back clear. I was sent home, and felt ok, then last night the abdominal pain started again and I'm now typing this at 5.53 am in agony! The doctors have told me there's nothing wrong with me, but clearly there is.

Comment from: Grannymouse, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: February 14

I have had a full hysterectomy, bilateral oophorectomy, bowel resection after perforation, and gall bladder removal. Now for 5 months, years after these surgeries, I'm having severe abdominal pain with vaginal bleeding. CT was negative, blood work negative, and UTI (urinary tract infection) negative. I have a very swollen belly and I don't want pain medicine. I would like a diagnosis.

Comment from: Help me please, 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: February 05

I am first time on a forum, don't know where else to go. All started with lower abdominal pain and burning, especially in the morning. I have had very bad noisy gurgling noises every day that ranges from the bottom of my abdomen to the chest/throat. This happens all throughout the day, a need to burp and an abnormal amount of pain has got higher to the chest and stomach also. I get crazy head and chest pressure especially from food. According to CT I have diverticular disease but it does not explain much.

Comment from: SW, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: February 05

I just had a sympathetic nerve block from my pain management doctor 3 days ago. First night was awful, then I started noticing I am not craving the Bentyl as I was before. He put this on L4. So far, I have a bit of burning this morning, right of my navel. This afternoon I had a sharp stabbing abdominal pain for 3 seconds (new) in the area where it always burned (mid-upper stomach between navel and pit). Told the gastroenterologist I had this and he is demanding for me to come in. If you look it up NIIH approves it.

Comment from: Diane, 13-18 Male (Caregiver) Published: February 04

My son has been sick with abdominal pain for two months. He has had CT scans and ultra sounds to rule out major issues. At a resting state the pain in manageable but every time he tries to be active he crashes with severe pain, fever and nausea. He has been diagnosed with constipation but I don't think this regression with activity would fit that diagnosis.

Comment from: Nanny, 75 or over Male (Caregiver) Published: January 30

About 30 years ago my husband started noticing abdominal pain when walking. At the time it was a minor pain. Over the years it has become worse and he is now handicapped because of it. He can walk about 200 feet, then has to sit. He uses a cane but is considering going to a walker. The crazy part is, if he is pushing a carriage in a store he is fine and can walk for quite a while. His doctors over the years have brushed him off saying "I have no idea what it is". He's 75 years and healthy.

Comment from: Monadee, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: January 13

I'm cramping so badly with abdominal pain and I'm throwing up at the same time, but I have blood coming out of my stool. When my stool comes out, at first it was looking like it had a white film or something on it. When throwing up I am in severe pain.

Comment from: ER, 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: December 10

I have had abdominal pain for about 3 days now. I have been to the doctor numerous times and they have told me it is my IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), but to be honest, it doesn't feel like my IBS at all. I wish that someone could help me. It's about 3 inches away from the top of my belly button and it's getting on my nerves. I'm finding it hard to sleep, I have an 8 month boy to look after as well, and it just makes me feel rubbish.

Comment from: Kayta g, 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: December 03

A few years ago, before bed or in the middle of the night, I would be woken up with severe abdominal pain to the point I could not breathe. I also break out in a sweat, feeling very hot but very cold. I swear, if I could explain it I would think I was dying. That to me is as close to death as I have ever felt. The pain is so unbearable. Hurts so bad I can barely breathe, I can't even call for help. And after the pain goes I then have diarrhea. Happens so often, I don't know what to do.

Comment from: Lou, 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: November 21

My abdominal pain issues started in September, 3 months ago. I've lost 27 lb. since then, and was never overweight. I had pain in the upper abdomen. CT showed inflammation in the small intestine but colonoscopy was clear. Blood works were always fine. I had lots of bowel movements! In September I had severe stomach pain with blood from rectum, then black stools. Now they are white. I am waiting for ultrasound, CT scan and upper gastrointestinal scope.

Comment from: cheri, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: November 19

I have a what seems like a big tightening of a muscle or something. It is in the left side by my rib and it rolls up in between my ribs. It happens sometimes when I cough and sometimes if I bend at the waist to put shoes on. I have to lean back on my couch to get it to release or loosen up. I was diagnosed with a hiatus hernia and I thought it might be that causing the abdominal pain.

Comment from: Suzie, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: November 18

Along with abdominal cramping, I was feeling faint and belching.

Comment from: Nicole, 35-44 Female (Patient) Published: November 13

I am having sharp lower abdominal pains on my right side, excessive bleeding that started spotty and dark red, and back pain.

Comment from: Gizmo, 35-44 Female (Patient) Published: October 24

I had pain, very severe pain in my tummy and in my back. No doctor or hospital knew what it was. I told them something was not right. I suffered for about two or three years. I diagnosed myself with pancreatitis and doctors confirmed. So if anyone is suffering with bad back pain and upper abdominal pain ask to be checked for that.

Comment from: Bry, 25-34 Male (Patient) Published: October 24

I've had this upper abdominal pain for close to 2 years. It causes bloating, burping and affects the back. I also feel the pain when I press down the spot.

Comment from: Karen, 75 or over Female (Patient) Published: October 01

I have sharp grabbing cramps and abdominal pain with my bowel movement.

Comment from: Angelica , 35-44 Female (Patient) Published: September 17

I have middle stomach pain. It hurts more when I stand straight and the pain goes to the back. I have random times of getting pain.

Comment from: mnpete, 35-44 Male (Patient) Published: September 16

I have severe stabbing pains in my lower right abdomen. I have NET (neuroendocrine tumor) cancer but they say this abdominal pain isn't that. I had my appendix and gallbladder removed. I have had every scan possible and been to about 20 different doctors. I don't know what to do. I'm so lost and can't live life like this in pain constant and no one will give me any kind of pain management to help me. I'm at my wits' end with this pain. I'm thinking of having exploratory surgery.

Comment from: Cookie, 65-74 Female (Patient) Published: September 10

This is the 4th time I've had these symptoms. Twice on the first night of my holidays, and other 2 times very late at night into the night. Excruciating abdominal pain in the upper stomach with pain in alternate shoulders. Small amount of vomit and diarrhea last night, whereas previously I vomited an hour and a half. I had treatment in Accident and Emergency last twice. Last night I was profusely sweating and felt myself tremble but it's the pain that's unbearable. You can't sit and can't stop moving. I took 2 Buscopan tablets that eased it after a while, but still bad.

Comment from: uknome, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: August 28

I regret laparoscopic gallbladder removal by government hospital. Quality of life is tanked because of abdominal pain, I would rather die. I feel like I can squeeze my liver, causing bubble popping, fluid movement and gas movement for temporary pressure relief. Feels like constant hot poker stuck in there. Sometimes glass, clawing, pulling feelings but always a painful feeling with no end. EMF (electromagnetic field) intolerance makes it worse, as well as ovulation and menses.

Comment from: Wassolordy, 19-24 Male (Patient) Published: July 08

I've been having pains in my upper right abdomen. They have done x-rays and abdominal scans but they found nothing, I've been having these pains for over two years now and I'm just 19. I also feel pains in my chest and my back, I've taken a lot of medication but still no luck.

Comment from: soreandupset, 55-64 Male (Patient) Published: July 02

I had my gallbladder out in March, it was huge. Now I have pain constantly like someone is shoving a telephone pole up my penis. I feel like I have a massive kidney infection, have already been on antibiotics, blood tested, urine tested, and nothing. I wish they had left the gallbladder in, I felt better then than I do now. I have crippling abdominal pain, and reflux that feels like someone sprayed lighter fluid and then lit it, several times a day! I still am bruised; this was done with the laparoscopy.

Comment from: Ky , 19-24 Female (Patient) Published: June 20

I can't seem to stand longer than 5 minutes before my stomach is in pain, making me feel extremely nauseous in the area below my ribs. Once I sit down I feel out of breath even though I didn't/haven't done anything strenuous. It becomes manageable and then stops once I'm seated or lying down though.

Comment from: Ribpain, 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: June 10

I have been through a roller coaster the past 3 weeks. After multiple doctors (urgent care, ER, PCP, chiropractor, and even my gynecologist), I may finally have a diagnosis. It's called ACNES syndrome and it's apparently the most common cause misdiagnosed of abdominal pain. It's an entrapped nerve in your abdominal area. I had ultrasound of gallbladder, liver and kidney, x-ray all that. I even cut out certain foods. My symptoms were very painful. There are little pea sized knots right below my rib cage.

Comment from: 713, 35-44 Male (Patient) Published: February 04

I've been experiencing abdominal pain going on 3 years now. My gallbladder has been removed after ultrasound found stones, but I am still having center abdominal pain and upper center back pain. It feels like somebody is squeezing the life out of me, with unbearable severe cramping in the center of my stomach. No doctor can figure out what exactly it is. I've have numerous CAT scans and been to every hospital there is. I wish I knew what is going on with me.

Comment from: Rome, 25-34 Male (Patient) Published: October 02

I been having severe and constant abdominal pain for about 3 years now and been to 50 doctors and still can't figure out what the problem is. All they say is acid reflux.

Comment from: Curious_kat775, 13-18 Female (Caregiver) Published: October 02

I have major heartburn until I lie partly on my side/back. Putting pressure on my abdomen makes me have to urinate and I have been constipated for three days. When my boyfriend lays his head on my stomach he makes my belly twitch.

Comment from: MRS , 75 or over Female (Patient) Published: August 28

Bloating, cramping, excessive gas and now sharp pains about 6 inches above my navel. I have recently had an upper gastrointestinal test and been told I have 3 ulcers which cause my abdominal pains. I am taking Prilosec for 8 weeks. My appendix is out, so that's not an issue. I have no acid reflux. I was told by an emergency room doctor that I was constipated, and also my doctor told me the same thing. The gastroenterologist, said I was not constipated. In fact I sometimes have 3 to 5 bowel movements in one day.

Comment from: A L MOON, 45-54 Male (Patient) Published: August 16

Along with abdominal pain I have excessive gas, stomach cramps behind belly button, hungry feeling and excessive stools.

Comment from: Molly, 35-44 Female (Patient) Published: August 15

I have had lower abdominal pain, nausea, no appetite, and bloating for a week.

Comment from: Djs1000, 35-44 Female (Patient) Published: August 10

The past few weeks I've been getting a pain in my stomach, like cramp, and now when I get it, it bruises.

Comment from: Christina, 19-24 Female (Patient) Published: July 17

I have a bloated stomach, and upper and right side abdominal pain. I have heartburn often.

Comment from: Jeanette , 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: July 09

Almost one year now in August I started with severe constipation, then severe bloating, couldn't release gas through rectum or mouth. Every day I feel nausea but I never can vomit. The abdominal pain every morning is so bad I cry all the time because of the pain and no one really knows any reason. I did a colonoscopy and several endoscopies which showed several ulcers. I have been on medications for a long time, been on over 25 to 30 medicines for constipation, and nothing works.

Comment from: Grazie, 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: July 05

I am on my period but I am having really bad pain right in the middle of my stomach. My abdominal pain gets worse every time I move or walk and is better when I am just staying still. I wonder if I need to be concerned, I have never had this pain before.

Comment from: cds16, 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: May 24

I have had stomach pain on the right side for two days, it feels like something is enlarged on that side, like something is inside me. I know that sounds crazy, I'm not pregnant, I did take a test. I have felt dull and achy on that side and I'm bloated, constipated but have been going, my appetite is fine and no fever; just very consistent pain and bloating but the pain isn't severe. I am not sure what it can be.

Comment from: NEIL , 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: May 14

I have stomach pain in the middle of stomach and low abdomen. I also have burping, flatulence and no energy.

Comment from: Linda , 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: May 11

I've been having heartburn, abdominal swelling and upper abdominal pain. I had an endoscopy and it came back normal. During a routine ultrasound for my upper abdominal pain, they discovered multiple cysts and an enlarged liver. I was told that those have nothing to do with my upper abdominal pains. They sent me to do a CT for a better look at my liver. Same result. The doctor said most likely it's just heartburn. It's always there; whether I eat or not. As soon as I get up in the morning I wake up with a heartburn. I drink water and still have heartburn. I ask if the simple heartburn causes abdominal swelling and pain and have yet to hear an answer. I'm taking the medication they prescribed but it doesn't help much. I take the medication and eat a small meal and I have the heartburn and pain. The doctor asked if I overeat. I told them that I have not been able to eat much for over 3 months because of the heartburn and pain. I don't know what else I am supposed to do.

Comment from: Ravi, 65-74 Male (Patient) Published: September 06

Since past 2 months, when I walk for just 5 minutes my stomach starts paining severely forcing me to sit down for a few minutes and again after 5 minutes I am required to sit down. This has made me handicapped and I do not know what kind of doctor can diagnose and treat me.

Comment from: Laxman, 35-44 Male (Caregiver) Published: October 12

I'm a 35 years old male. I get pain in my stomach around 1 am, since last 2 days.

Comment from: DISGRUNTED, 55-64 Male (Patient) Published: October 08

My stage 4 cancer is on a break, but now I have pains in my abdomen and hospitals have got no clue what it is. I don't know what to do now.

Comment from: wanda, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: April 21

I woke up today and the left side of my stomach hurts.

Comment from: Bart, 45-54 Male (Patient) Published: February 26

My abdominal pain starts from the upper part then goes down to the whole stomach.

Comment from: S. K. B., 35-44 Male (Patient) Published: December 31

I am suffering from right side upper abdominal pain. I have constipation.

Comment from: Ann, 55-64 (Patient) Published: August 14

I feel my stomach hard and painful, and feel I need to push, but when I go to the toilet nothing happens.

Comment from: Loretta , 65-74 Female (Patient) Published: June 25

My abdomen feels like I am carrying a 1 pound baby and I have pressure in the lower part of my abdomen every day. I've been on a 1300 calorie diet per day and haven't lost any weight.

Comment from: Arhena, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: April 17

I'm ok sitting down, getting up to walk hurts my right lower abdomen.

Comment from: yuvi, 25-34 Male (Patient) Published: March 25

My age is 32 and for the last one week I have had stomach pain, weakness, reduced appetite, and fever some time. I don't know what the reason is.

Comment from: Kerri , 35-44 Female (Patient) Published: September 13

I feel bloated and full all the time and I can't lose weight. I eat great, mostly gluten free, but can't lose weight, so uncomfortable.

Comment from: Diane y, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: August 22

Every time I eat or drink I get abdominal pains when I walk and have difficulty breathing.

Comment from: tony, 25-34 Male (Patient) Published: August 01

The whole of my stomach hurts and pains so much from the right to the left.

Comment from: BJ, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: June 14

I am having constant dull lower right abdominal pain and tenderness for over a week.

Comment from: Steve, 55-64 Male (Patient) Published: July 29

I have occasional sharp short pain in lower left stomach, bloating, and rumbling.

Comment from: tony, 45-54 Male (Patient) Published: December 02

I have had stomach pains now for 7 months, I've been on 8 different antibiotics. It started in the left hand side but now it has developed across my lower stomach and right hand side also. I am currently on co-amoxiclav 500, metronidazole 200mg and mebeverine 135mg, it's frustrating for me now.

Comment from: 35-44 Male (Patient) Published: August 04

My abdominal pain starts in the morning and increases throughout day. Milk of Magnesia and anti-acid/anti-gas OTC liquids take the edge off during periods of hunger when stomach pain worsens. It feels like a burning and inner-writhing of spasms at its worst and strange noises can be heard within. I'm thinking that less food throughout day may result in less trauma at night trying to relax. It feels under pressure then and especially sensitive.

I had severe abdominal pain just around and below navel that would begin and get worse for a few days, then start to lessen gradually. It left me incapacitated for a week at a time. I had 13 attacks over the course of two years at the age of 58. I had many, many tests with no answer. Finally, my gastroenterologist told me I had irritable bowel and would have to live with it. My answer was that something was causing it, and I was not going to live with it. I had no other symptoms. I finally discovered, on my own that the cause was aspartame. I had been consuming one or two diet cocoa's a day most days, didn't have any other diet food or drink. Have not had aspartame (or any other artificial sweetener) in 8 years, and have been pain free all that time.

Comment from: Scott , 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: March 17

I've been feeling abdominal pain, and doctors don't seem to work together. I don't know what to do to get relief from the abdomen pain.

Comment from: dbar, 25-34 Male (Patient) Published: September 10

I am having some severe pain in my lower right side abdomen.

Comment from: Fidel, 35-44 Male (Caregiver) Published: December 16

I have pain in the upper stomach radiating to the back, I just moved to a different place and the way of food and eating since while I was home there was no problem at all. But since I moved to the military camp after 1 day of eating I started having pain. I very often I have stomach pain due to the change of place and food. Eleven years ago I had pseudocyst removed so I am scared that I have pancreatitis, even though I have no vomiting, no fever, just pain in the middle of the stomach radiating to the back. So far I have used pantoprazole 40mg but it didn't help too much.

Comment from: eljhon, 75 or over Male (Patient) Published: October 28

My stomach lower parts are always in pain for almost 1 year.

Comment from: Royce, 75 or over Male (Patient) Published: August 13

The abdominal pain occurs most of the day. It varies from upper, lower and middle abdomen. It the middle of the night when I have sharp pains I get up and drink water of milk and seems to help. I have had a cat scan and a endoscopy and neither showed anything. The doctor is considering a colonoscopy next. I don't have any fever, loose bowels or vomiting. Any suggestions as to what my problem may be. I am really getting tired of the pain.

Comment from: Also worried mom, 13-18 Male (Caregiver) Published: July 15

Dear worried mom. My son who is 14 also has had abdominal pain and now headaches for almost 2 years. We have been through all gastro tests at Johns Hopkins and they have found nothing except a little GERD. I have been researching and trying different things but nothing has worked yet. We do have an appt in a couple days with a different doctor, so we have our fingers crossed.

Comment from: Wife, 45-54 Female (Caregiver) Published: March 15

For more than 30 years my wife has had what she called "her belly button pain." She had a hernia repair around 20 years ago and thought it fixed the problem. About a month ago she had a test that was "inconclusive" for celiac disease. We went "gluten free" and since then she has had about 4-5 episodes--3 in the last 3 days. She is in such pain she throws up (with no nausea; only pain). I am in tears, feeling so helpless. Usually, after she throws up, she is able to fall asleep. What is this? She has been to a Gastroenterologist. She has had a colonoscopy, endoscopy, CT, X-ray and blood work. Everything is negative except the "inconclusive" for celiac disease. Since then, we have been trying to very carefully go in the gluten-free direction. I am scared it's cancer or something that has eaten away her intestines and I am going to lose her. Please help me. I'm so scared.

Comment from: shelly, 13-18 Male (Caregiver) Published: August 04

My 13 year old son has had abdominal pain (severe at times) for 2 months. All blood tests come back negative. Stomach x rays said moderate stool in colon. I was cleaned out. Still having problems. Dr.'s seem to have no clue. Also gets lightheaded, dizzy and blurred vision when standing up. Very, very concerning to everyone in my family, Doctors are not being proactive. Do not know where to turn for help.

Comment from: 55-64 Female (Caregiver) Published: August 01

I have been to the emergency room twice with this crampy, painful stomach. Both times I was given antibiotics. As soon as I used up the medications, the pain was back. I don't know how people put up with the pain. I can't go out for a meal as the pain starts as soon as I eat. I'm now only taking Maalox and Tylenol as needed.

My wife has had abdominal pain for weeks. Pain continues about 2 to 4 inches below the navel and it never seems to let up. Her physician treated her for nerves, but I beg to differ and would like more advice. She has hypertension 140/90. Hypothyroid activity and is experiencing hot flashes symptoms of menopause. Electrolytes loss is frequent and she consumes Gatorade and other G.H.S.

My husband experienced intense, debilitating abdominal pain that sent him to the ER. They did a cat scan, bloodwork, physical exam, fecal exam, etc., and they all showed no cause. Pain relief was administered, and he was sent home on a soft, bland diet for a week. During this time, he stopped eating "diet" foods made with Splenda, and all his symptoms abated. As long as he stayed away from Splenda, he felt fine.

My pain comes on suddenly and makes me look as if I have a football in my belly its also very hard and I find it difficult to walk. I have had the problem for a few years now and not much relieves it fully. My abdomen is painful to the touch as if bruised. Nothing specific triggers it and the most severe pain has lasted for many hours with a duller pain most of the time every day.

I have been in pain for at least one year, maybe longer. I cannot stand much more. It feels like I am carrying a bowling ball, and I always have to pee, so tired, feel like crap all the time. Menstrual bleeding is a lot and long.

My stomach hurts in the center/upper. I have severe pain that comes for about ten seconds and then goes away. Sometimes the pain is two or three times, then goes away for thirty minutes or more. It almost seems as if my entire stomach area is now sore, to the touch.

Attacks of abdominal pain lasts 15-20 minutes several times a week, been going on for at least 5 years after two colon polyps removed in a colonoscopy pain was gone.

For the last twenty years I have had occurrences of severe abdominal pain. It may hurt for several days, in the middle of the top of my stomach (at the ribs cage) and there will be mild nausea with it. When I eat something, it will subside for a while, then return. After day or two, I will develop severe stomach cramps at one point, so severe that I feel as if I need to have a bowel movement, but I will break out in a cold sweat and have thought I was blacking out twice when this happened. My husband says that my face turns totally white at this point. After I fight off the feeling of blacking out, I will have a runny stool, then be weak the rest of the day (or night)....very frightening.

I have had right flank pain for about three months. Only hurts when I am jarred or I twist or turn around like looking over my shoulder, or sit in a hard back chair for too long. It is relieved when I lay down. It does not hurt or bother me while sleeping. When I arise in the morning, it returns as soon as I start walking around. X Rays, blood tests, MRI and CT scans all have been negative. I cannot press on anything to make it hurt. It feels like an old fashioned side ache or cramp when you started running right after eating, but this does not go away until I lay down. Tried Tramadol, but it only made me goofy and did nothing for the pain.

My pain started abruptly. It is light in the morning and builds as I eat and drink. I have trouble passing gas and feel that two areas in my large colon are compressed. I have lost 15 percent of my weight. The pain is either below my ribs or near my sigmoid colon. I take sleep medication to get nights sleep and have several small bowel movements in the morning.

The pain lasted about 3 hours. It has been 12 hours since, and I can still feel some pain, but it is very mild. What helped me out with the pain was that I laid down on my bed, curled up (fetal position), and put my hands on my abdomen, where it was hurting. I think maybe the heat from my hands could've caused it to relax. It was the worst pain I've ever felt. I couldn't even stand up.

My abdomen pains come and go, about every 15 minutes sometimes. They come early in the mornings and late at nights. I sometimes feel relief after I drink some tea. Sometimes it just gets worst.

I have been diagnosed with IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). I had my gallbladder removed last year no stones, but I was told it was diseased. This is what is currently happening: If I eat or drink too much the left side of my abdomen hurts severely. I feel like I want to throw up. I drink Mylanta and eat about 6-8 Tums and push my stomach in and pray that I have a bowel movement. It does not stop the pain, but it gives me some relief. The upper part of my abdomen is extended and very hard. I have frequent bowel movements which are never hard they are actually very soft. When I do not eat or drink the area is fine. It does not matter if I eat ice cubes and drink water. I am not running a fever, but I do have chills sometimes.

I found that prune juice relieves that pain a little, by removing gas from the abdominal cavity.

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Pain in Back and Clawing Pain in Lower Abdomen


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